Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Governator Can Suck It

I took the past two days off work and took a little min-vacation, which I have desperately been needing. This school budget fiasco is almost driving me to have a heart attack. I'm not messing around here. I thought that stuff was bad back when Prop 227 was on the ballot (the bilingual education initiative), but after it passed we just had to figure out a way to work around it. It seems now though that our hands are tied behind our back.

It seems like every single day that passes, I can't predict what the hell is going to happen with the budget. If it isn't the state yanking us around and putting restrictions on certain budgets, then it's the state telling us that they are making certain categorical funds flexible that previously were restricted to only a certain population of students. One day there seems to be money in a budget and the next day, poof it is gone. If it's not the state jerking us around, it is the teachers, the parents, the principals, and other employees who are fighting us and one another over the money.

It's almost about to make me hate money. I said ALMOST, mind you.

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